So as our readers would know, I was in a crash about a week ago. Two days after that crash, I was in my brother's car (my old Neon) heading out to pick up some new control arms for my car, and the axle snapped. It happened as I was approaching a major intersection, I pulled up to the stop sign and waited for a clearing in the rush hour traffic, and as soon as I got a gap, I gave the car a small amount of gas, and slowly started to let the clutch out. As soon as the clutch made contact, I got one tiny morsel or power to my wheels and then there was a nice snap. I luckily had enough momentum to cost to the other side of the road, and also luckily, the oncoming traffic was nice enough not to hit me as my car was suddenly stuck slowly coasting across the intersection with no ability to put any more power to the wheels.

As you can see, the axle was rusted almost entirely through. The rubber harmonic dampener dodge put on the axle was apparently holding water against the axle, accelerating the decomposition of the steel in that location.
After calling all my favorite junk yards and realizing that no one had a used axle locally, I looked on Advanced Auto's web site, and found that they had the axle new for $70. I trip to the nearest Advanced that had one in stock and less than an hour of work later, the car was good as new.
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