Sunday, October 17, 2010

YNS Production

Yint, Nii, and Squarebush Production.

We are dysfunctional group of dysfunctionals* who are united to work to improve the function and quality of our cars, any cars that land in our driveways, and all the ones we get begged to work with.

Most of our work is based on the principle that new OEM parts work better then worn out OEM parts and maybe we can make a buck or two at the end of the day if we don't break too many bolts in the process.

The three of us have acquired many different helpful skills in the art of bullshit and generally faking that we know how something goes back together once we have broken all the plastic clips. This and other valuable skills have allowed us to break out with some exciting starter projects.

Following this post we will add our bios and a brief description of vehicle history and projects.
After that we will take some time to get full project write ups for a couple major projects that are already tied up, and move forward to bring you exciting picturefull* gloss write ups on tasty projects on the calender.

Also we will have an in-depth look at the local automotive scenes, competitions and hopefully full feature interviews with local rally drives, autoX champions, and generally cool smart people.

So to wrap this up, the basic plan for YNS Production is to provide interesting DIY auto work, in-depth how-we-did-its, and cool comprehensive information and photographs

*these are words I made up, feel free to use them and rip them off

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